Winter Break Camp: Space Cadets

3…2…1…BLAST OFF! Escape the winter cold and take a trip with us to outer space. The stars, planets, and even Martians are some of the fun things you will learn…

Winter Break Camp: Paleontologist in Training (2 Days)

Dinosaurs, saber-tooth tigers, woolly mammoths, and short-faced bears all lived thousands & millions of years before recorded history. Join Wonders of Wildlife as we explore these ancient animals and discover…

Winter Break Camp: Paleontologist in Training (4 day)

Dinosaurs, saber-tooth tigers, woolly mammoths, and short-faced bears all lived thousands & millions of years before recorded history. Join Wonders of Wildlife as we explore these ancient animals and discover…

Winter Break Camp: Masters of Disguise

What is camouflage? Why is it important? What animals use camouflage? Join us for this exciting camp to explore the answers to these questions and much more! You will learn…

Spring Break Camp: Adventure Across Asia

Pandas, camels, and tigers, OH MY! Don’t get lost in the heat of the moment! Instead, take a trip with us to learn about all the incredible animals that call…